March 29, 2019

Quotable notes


“Today, the United States, EU and Canada took coordinated action in response to Russia’s continued aggression against Ukraine by imposing sanctions on individuals who orchestrated the unjustified November 25 attack on three Ukrainian naval vessels near the Kerch Strait. Additionally, the United States imposed sanctions on six Russian defense firms, including shipbuilding companies; two individuals involved in the November sham ‘elections’ in Russia-controlled eastern Ukraine; and two Russian energy and construction companies operating in Crimea.

“In the five years since Russia started its campaign of aggression against Ukraine, we have stood firmly with our trans-Atlantic partners in opposition to Russia’s malign and illegal actions, including its attack near the Kerch Strait. Russia’s attack represented a dangerous escalation and a violation of international law. We call upon Russia to immediately return to Ukraine the seized vessels and detained crewmembers, and keep the Kerch Strait and the Sea of Azov open to ships transiting to and from Ukrainian ports. We also call on Russia to respect Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders, including its territorial waters.

“The message to Russia is clear – the international community will not stand by while Russia continues to violate international norms and laws and the Transatlantic community stands united in our efforts to counter Russian aggression.”

 – Deputy Spokesperson of the U.S. State Department Robert Palladino, in a press statement issued on March 15.

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“I fully support the administration’s sanctions against those individuals and entities that were involved in the sham elections in eastern Ukraine, the illegal annexation of Crimea and their most recent transgression: the unprovoked and illegal attack against Ukrainian naval forces near the Kerch Strait on November 25. I am pleased that these sanctions are being implemented in coordination with our trans-Atlantic allies, demonstrating our united resolve against Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, which has now entered its sixth year. The United States and our allies must continue to stand with Ukraine and assist them as they fight to preserve their independence against repeated Russian interference. 

“I have stood solidly with Ukraine – supporting them during their Revolution of Dignity in 2014 and since then working with my Senate colleagues to provide them with the support they need to defend their sovereign territory, promote the rule of law and strengthen their democracy.” 

– U.S. Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio) in a statement released on March 15.