March 6, 2020

Quotable notes


“…the U.S. continues to be a strong supporter of Ukraine in the Ukraine conflict that is going on there, the ongoing conflict. The U.S. Mission and the OSCE is fully engaged in that. There is a special monitoring mission there that is on the ground in eastern Ukraine. There is a Normandy Four process that President Zelenskyy has reactivated for the purpose of trying to bring some type of resolution to that conflict. Look, the United States is the fiercest defender of Ukraine, and we believe that – we believe that we would like to see Ukraine continue to move closer to and to be cooperative with the European Union and also to work cooperatively and be closer to the NATO alliance.

“I’d remind you of Secretary Pompeo’s Crimea Declaration, which once again restates that the United States is committed to Crimea being a part of Ukraine. We are supportive of Ukraine’s borders within their internationally recognized borders, and we continue – the U.S. Mission continues to speak on that every week in Vienna. You can take a look at our statements usually on the webpage, the U.S.-OSCE Mission web page. We also translate that into Russian and speak directly within our statements – recently the statements we have made speak directly to the Russian people, which once again echoes exactly what I opened this press conference with: We want to speak directly to the people of Russia that want a more positive country and want a more democratic – a more democratic process and system.

“I would point out that this is a grim sixth anniversary of the invasion of Ukraine or an attempt to – an attempt to annex Crimea. Everybody here is aware that the OSCE is – grew out of the Final Act in the Helsinki Accords of 1975. That sets down a set of rules of behavior within Europe for the purpose of trying to avoid war and conflict in Europe. The Russians have violated that by their invasion of eastern Ukraine and by their attempt, purported attempt, to conquer or to take over Crimea.

“I would point out the dreadful situation in Crimea. There are reports that the Tatar indigenous population there is subject to a great deal of pressure – arrest, incarceration, reports of torture. And also the independent media is being blocked and imposed upon in Crimea as well. These are all violations of the principles of the Final Act in the Helsinki Accords, which OSCE purports to stand for. …”

– The U.S. ambassador to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, James Gilmore, speaking at a press briefing in Washington on March 2.