July 24, 2020

Quotable notes


“The Russian occupation armies have once again violated all moral and humanitarian norms and opened fire on three servicemen that were evacuating the body of a fallen Ukrainian hero who was killed by an IED on July 13 near Zaitseve.

“Receiving a confirmation of a ceasefire, the evacuation group, wearing white helmets and identifying insignia, was a few meters away from the body of the fallen soldier. At this time, the enemy opened fire on the group. The group retreated, but a battlefield medic hurried to help a wounded soldier. At this time, the enemy opened fire with grenade launchers and high-caliber machine guns. As a result, a military medic was killed, and two soldiers were wounded.

“The despicable murder of a medic who was wearing all necessary identifying insignia is another confirmation that the Russian occupation forces have no intention of adhering to any international norms.”

– Report by Ukraine’s Ministry of Defense on the killing of a Ukrainian medic in the occupied Donbas.

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“We are deeply saddened by the reported killing yesterday of a Ukrainian military medic near Zaitseve. We join the people of Ukraine in condemning the ongoing, brutal aggression of Russia-led forces in the Donbas and pay tribute to the heroism of the many Ukrainians who have lost their lives and suffered injuries in brave service to their democracy.”

– Statement by the U.S. Embassy to Ukraine on July 14 regarding the killing of a Ukrainian medic in the Donbas.