October 27, 2017

Razom panel discusses innovation in Ukraine


Bohdan Pechenyak

NEW YORK – Razom hosted a lively panel discussion on contemporary Ukraine on Saturday, September 23, moderated by Dasha Ozimko (left) with (from left) Andrii Suslenko, a participant of the RAF Journalism Fellowship at the United Nations; Daria Sipigina of Pennsylvania State University; Luke Tomycz, M.D.; Mariya Soroka, Razom co-founder and president; and Igor Gudz, entrepreneur. The panelists shared their experiences of innovation in Ukraine in the fields of journalism, cultural diplomacy, medicine, civic engagement, and manufacturing backpacks and selling them globally. The event was part of the annual meeting of the non-profit, volunteer organization, Razom, held in New York at Civic Hall in Manhattan. Over 100 people attended the gathering and heard updates regarding finances and highlights of past and present projects. Razom was established in 2014 to support the people of Ukraine in their continued quest for democracy, justice and human rights. For more information, visit razomforukraine.org.