May 8, 2020

Remember the 1986 Chornobyl disaster


Dr. Dmytro Hrodzynsky (center) on April 1, 1990, in Chicago with (from left) Ulana Pawlynska, Olha Stefanska, Volodymyra Demus, Maria Dorozynska, Stefa Shandra, Vira Bodnaruk and Bohdan Bodnaruk.

Dear Editor:

Every year on April 26 we are reminded of this tragic date for Ukraine and beyond its borders which happened in 1986. When the news reached Ukrainian communities in diaspora, a great effort was made to help the victims of this disaster.

To learn more about the aftereffects of Chornobyl, Branch 84 of the Ukrainian National Women’s League of America (UNWLA) in Chicago together with the Rukh organization sponsored Dr. Dmytro Hrodzynsky, radiobiologist, and head of the cell biology and genetic engineering department at the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, to speak in Chicago, at the Ukrainian Institute of Modern Art, on April 1, 1990. His topic was “Chornobyl and Its Aftereffects.”

Vira Bodnaruk
Venice, Fla.