September 11, 2020

Republican support for Joe Biden


Dear Editor:

I was pleased to read that Dr. Myron Kuropas admitted in his August 23 column that he was impressed with the efforts of Ukrainian Americans to mobilize swiftly in support of Joe Biden’s presidential candidacy.

Many lifelong Republicans have come out in support of Mr. Biden. Have they all suddenly become socialists, as some have insinuated? Of course not. Instead, they are disgusted with Mr. Trump’s duplicity, incompetence and cruelty. Likewise, they are impressed with Mr. Biden’s integrity, experience and decency. Former New Jersey Gov. Christine Todd Whitman, Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel, Secretary of State Colin Powell, Ohio Gov. John Kasich and Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina have all endorsed Mr. Biden. Dozens of Republican national security experts endorsed Mr. Biden, stating that Mr. Trump is a risk to national security.

Mr. Trump is not an anti-Communist crusader in the tradition of Dwight D. Eisenhower and Ronald Reagan. He is an unabashed admirer of Ukraine’s sworn enemy, and America’s nemesis, Vladimir Putin.

When it comes to foreign influence, let’s remember that Mr. Trump’s campaign chair Paul Manafort Jr. accepted $17 million from Russian oligarchs to penetrate the U.S. political system on behalf of Russian interests. And there were more than 100 documented cases of Trump campaign staff meeting with Russian operatives.

Voters should look hard at Mr. Trump’s appalling record and consider joining a growing chorus of disaffected Republicans who have concluded that the president is “dangerously unfit for re-election.”

Andrij Skyba
Harwood Heights, Ill.