January 24, 2020

Response to Kuropas re Alexandra Chalupa


Dear Editor:

Dr. Myron Kuropas wrote in his recent column (January 19) that my daughter Alexandra Chalupa allegedly worked with the Ukrainian Embassy to obtain “dirt” on Donald Trump. That is the line that Fox, especially Sean Hannity, had been feeding its viewers. In fact, Alexandra did not work with the Embassy of Ukraine to get dirt on Mr. Trump. (Ask yourself: What dirt could the Embassy possibly have on Mr. Trump?) This is a false narrative that has been propagated by Kremlin trolls and amplified by the far right wing.

She did raise alarms about Paul Manafort and his pro-Russian work, and shared this information with both Democrats and Republicans, as well as the FBI. In fact, she first started raising warnings about Mr. Manafort as early as 2014, noting the danger he posed to U.S. national security while she volunteered her time promoting Ukrainian matters in the Obama administration.

So please, do not spread false allegations about a courageous and patriotic Ukrainian American. When the truth ultimately comes out, she will be hailed as a hero by Democrats and Republicans as well as all Ukrainians.

Dr. Leo M. Chalupa