May 25, 2018

Ridna Shkola of Pittsburgh ends school year with concert


Andriy Bidochko

Students and teachers of Ridna Shkola of Pittsburgh.

CARNEGIE, Pa. – The students of Ridna Shkola of Pittsburgh ended their school year with a concert beginning at noon on Saturday, May 12, 2018 at Holy Trinity Ukrainian Catholic Church auditorium in Carnegie, Pa. Incorporated in 1973 by Andrew and Marta Farley, Peter and Luba Hlutkowsky, and Michael and Taisa Korchynsky, the school of Ukrainian studies encompasses grades 1-12. The students dedicated their performances to their mothers in anticipation of Mother’s Day.

Parents, brothers, sisters, potential students and guests were welcomed in Ukrainian by Principal Olexandra Korenovska. Clergy representatives were the Revs. Jason Charron (Holy Trinity), Ihor Hohosha (St. George, Pittsburgh) and Yaroslav Koval (St. Vladimir, Arnold, Pa.). 

Other honored guests included Dr. Volodymyr and Oksana Lernatovych. She is the Ukrainian language instructor at the University of Pittsburgh, and both produce the “Ukraine in the Heart of Everyone” and “Christ Among Us” radio programs in Pittsburgh, which along with the “Ukrainian Radio Program” are live streamed on the Internet at 1-2:30 p.m. each Sunday at Ms. Lernatovych hopes graduates of Ridna Shkola will continue their Ukrainian language studies at the University of Pittsburgh, and advises that there is a special program in place for students speaking Ukrainian to attend universities in Ukraine. 

Also present was Marika Zaliszczuk, president of Ukrainian National Women’s League of America Branch 27, which is based in Pittsburgh.

Every student performed, with a personal recitation in Ukrainian of stanzas from Ukrainian poems about the love of mothers, and in ensemble singing of the songs “Ridna Matusia” and “Tilky Mama Odna.” The older students sang the song “Chornobryvsti.” Marta Charron, Yaryna Korenovska and Angelika Pyvovar sang “Mamyna Sorochka.” Students and the audience joined in signing “Mnohaya Lita” to end the concert.

Ms. Korenovska gave a red rose to each student, and the students then went into the audience to present these to their mothers. 

Each student was then presented with a certificate of completion of their studies for the school year. Special recognition was given to Stanislav Davyda, who was graduating after nine years of Ukrainian studies under Ms. Korenovska. 

Special guests visiting during the school year were Ukraine’s Ambassador to the United States, Valeriy Chaly, and his wife, Ludmyla Mazuka, and 2017 Ukrainian of the Year Natalie Ann Jaresko.

In closing, Father Hohosha introduced the dedicated teachers: Halyna Charron, Yaryna Korenovska and Chrystyna Nazarewycz-Silecky. He thanked the students for attending every Saturday throughout the school year, and urged them to continue their Ukrainian studies in the coming years. 

He also asked all present to call their mothers and grandmothers in Ukraine to wish them a happy Mother’s Day and to thank them for their love. Finally, he blessed all present and all recited the prayer “Otche Nash.” 

A bountiful luncheon was then enjoyed by all. Special thanks went to Roman Komichak, host of the “Ukrainian Radio Program,” for concert announcements, and to Charles Sradomski for audio equipment set-up and operation.

Information on the Ridna Shkola of Pittsburgh program of Ukrainian studies and the start of the new academic year in the fall can be obtained by contacting the principal Ms. Korenovska, at 412-708-1260 or by e-mailing [email protected].