March 20, 2020

Russia was and is the aggressor – it cannot be given the role of mediator


The Australian Federation of Ukrainian Organizations released the following statement on March 15.


The Australian Federation of Ukrainian Organizations (AFUO) is alarmed at the decision of the Trilateral Contact Group to create a Consultation Council involving representatives of the self-proclaimed so-called Donetsk and Luhansk people’s republics, and suggesting further representatives of Russia, Germany and France to be at the table alongside the official representatives of Ukraine.

These faux republics are in fact Russian-controlled terrorist organizations.

The president of Ukraine has the opportunity now to show leadership and refute this proposal and not cross the red lines that he has agreed would not be crossed.

This proposal undermines Ukraine’s territorial sovereignty, giving status to the Russian terrorist organizations. It admonishes any fault or responsibility of Russia having boots on Ukrainian soil and occupying the Donbas and the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.

Russia is the aggressor. It needs to be held to account not given the status of an observer or mediator. This falls totally into the Russian Federation’s plan.

Ukraine has come too far in establishing its territorial sovereignty and independence to allow this to be eroded.

The argument that we want peace and we can then move on is the aspiration of all, not only those who have negotiated this unacceptable position. However, this cannot and must not be achieved by capitulating.

The argument being run that no decisions have been made and that this is building a platform has a major flaw.

Building a platform requires a strong foundation. In the scheme of this proposal this platform has no place and is weak.

In the real world of politics and survival, having principles, values and standing up for what is right, fighting what is evil must be at the forefront on which platforms can be built.

Such terms as it’s all the same or support for this model is necessary and achievable, only diminish national responsibilities and are the signs of national weakness.

The AFUO supports the statement made by the Ukrainian World Congress that this decision is unacceptable and plays into Russia’s playbook, and relieves Russia, the aggressor, of any responsibility for the war.

France and Germany must also stand their ground and not cross these identifiable red lines – that Russia is the aggressor and must be held accountable.

In these challenging times, where all eyes are focused on containing the coronavirus, the international community must not allow this proposal to see the light of day.