April 27, 2018

School of Ukrainian Studies in NYC celebrates Shevchenko


Valentyna Hlushak

Students of the Selfreliance Saturday School of Ukrainian Studies.

NEW YORK – The Selfreliance School of Ukrainian Studies held its annual concert in honor of the great Ukrainian bard Taras Shevchenko at St. George Academy in New York City on March 3.

This year, on the occasion of Shevchenko’s 204th birthday, the students performed a series of songs set to the poet’s words including, “My Evening Star,” “Cherry Blossom Garden” and “Bandura’s Gentle Strings”.

Each class, from the youngest to the oldest, was featured in the anniversary concert.

“We Little Children” and “Kalyna” were performed by the preschoolers, or “Svitlychka.” Under the guidance of Ukrainian language teacher, Olya Matviishin, eighth grade students performed an abridged version of Shevchenko’s ”Handmaid.” Ninth graders, led by their Ukrainian culture instructor Anastasia Antonov showcased a fragment from the poem “Princess,” and the 10th grade reflected on Shevchenko’s love life in “Fate, Where Are You?”

This annual celebration of Shevchenko is a special one for the school. 

In his address to the student body, Principal Ivan Makar said, “We must heed the words of our great bard. Learn about other cultures, explore the world, respect others, but never forget who you are. Never forget that you are Ukrainian with your own distinct culture, language and traditions. Soar to new heights in the American world. Educate yourself, but never betray who you are. Carry Ukraine with you everywhere you go. Be proud of your ethnic heritage and teach others about it.”

In closing, the whole school community – students, parents and guests – sang Shevchenko’s poignant and moving “Testament.”