November 9, 2018

Second U.S.-Ukraine Cybersecurity Dialogue held in Kyiv


WASHINGTON – On November 5, the United States and Ukraine held the second U.S.-Ukraine Cybersecurity Dialogue in Kyiv. The United States and Ukraine reaffirmed their commitment to promote an open, interoperable, reliable and secure Internet; to enhance bilateral cooperation; and to combat cyberthreats of mutual concern.

The United States and Ukraine exchanged information on their respective national cybersecurity policy developments over the last year, discussed threat trends and recent cyber incidents, and identified further areas for cooperation. Both countries reaffirmed their support for a framework for responsible state behavior in cyberspace, based on the applicability of international law, adherence to non-binding norms of responsible state behavior during peacetime and the implementation of practical cyber confidence-building measures.

As a demonstration of U.S. commitment to supporting cybersecurity in Ukraine, the United States has pledged a total of $10 million in cybersecurity assistance for Ukraine since the first U.S.-Ukraine cybersecurity dialogue in 2017. Today, the delegations reviewed proposed U.S. cybersecurity assistance projects, developed in consultation with relevant Ukrainian agencies and stakeholders. The projects include: strengthening the cybersecurity of election systems and critical infrastructure, supporting implementation of Ukraine’s national cyber strategy, enhancing cyber defense and incident response capacity, raising cybersecurity awareness, and providing trainings on cybersecurity workforce development and digital forensics. They complement the United States’ other ongoing efforts to cooperate with Ukraine on cybersecurity matters.

U.S. Deputy Chief of Mission in Kyiv Pamela Tremont and Ukraine Ministry of Foreign Affairs Director General for International Security Serhii Shutenko provided opening remarks. 

The U.S. delegation included representatives from the departments of State, Homeland Security, Energy and Defense, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the U.S. Agency for International Development. 

The Ukrainian delegation consisted of representatives from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the National Security and Defense Council, the State Service for Special Communication and Information Protection, the State Security Services of Ukraine, the Ministry of Defense, the General Staff, the National Bank of Ukraine, the Ministry of Information Policy, the Central Election Commission, the Foreign Intelligence Service of Ukraine, the State Financial Monitoring Service of Ukraine, the National Institute for Strategic Studies, the Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry, the National Securities and Stock Market Commission, and the National Police of Ukraine.