November 23, 2018

Sen. Charles Schumer’s message


Below is the text of the message sent to the Ukrainian American community by Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) on the occasion of the 85th anniversary of the Holodomor. The message was read at the commemorative program held in St. Patrick’s Cathedral on November 17.

It is with great reverence that I write this letter commemorating the 85th anniversary of the Holodomor, Ukraine’s Genocide of 1932-1933. Every year, I stand with my Ukrainian friends to observe the Holodomor and to extend my deepest sympathies to the victims, survivors of the famine and their families. 

Eighty-five years ago, Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin weaponized the land itself to force a famine on the Ukrainian people. He tried to annihilate the Ukrainian people; he tried to annihilate the Ukrainian spirit. Thank God he failed. To ensure that these atrocities are not repeated, it is paramount that we continue to remember the genocide and honor the memory of those who cannot speak for themselves. 

I am proud to announce that the United States is making strides every year towards properly commemorating the Ukrainian Genocide. Just last month, a resolution which I co-sponsored, was unanimously adopted by the U.S. Senate, recognizing the Ukrainian Famine of 1932-1933 as genocide against the Ukrainian people. This resolution and all similar future efforts matter because it shows the world that we must stand up, call out genocide where we see it, and never forget. 

Therefore, I am humbled and honored to join in spirit with everyone gathered here today to remember and honor the millions of innocent victims of Ukraine’s Genocide. Many thanks to the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America for holding this requiem annually and for all the work you do. As long as I have the privilege of serving in the Unites States Senate, know that I will continue to support the Ukrainian American community.