June 12, 2015

Sen. Portman offers amendments to provide military assistance to Ukraine, assess efforts


WASHINGTON – Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio), co-chair of the Senate Ukraine Caucus, announced on June 4 that he has filed two amendments to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2016 to help Ukraine as it continues to face Russian aggression.

The first amendment authorizes funds to provide a number of critical capabilities the Ukrainians need to defend themselves, including real-time intelligence, counter-artillery radars, defensive lethal assistance, drones (UAVs), secure communications, and training to develop key combat, planning, and support capabilities. The amendment requires that at least $60 million be used on the most important capabilities the Ukrainians need and have requested: real-time intelligence, defensive lethal assistance and counter-artillery radars.

The second amendment studies the implications of the conflict in Ukraine for the U.S. military. It would require an assessment of U.S. and NATO efforts in eastern Ukraine based on lessons learned from the tactics, techniques and procedures used by the Russians and Russian-backed separatists. This assessment will include, among other things, a report of the implications of Russia’s information war and the implications the conflict has for armored warfare equipment, such as Abrams tanks made in Lima, Ohio.

“Ukraine has reached a pivotal moment,” Sen. Portman stated. “The Ukrainian people have made incredible sacrifices in the hopes of securing a democratic future for their country. However, sustained economic, political and military support from the United States and NATO is absolutely crucial to ensuring that their vision comes to fruition.”

Source: Office of Sen. Rob Portman