August 31, 2018

Sen. Rob Portman issues statement on Ukraine’s independence anniversary


CINCINNATI, Ohio – U.S. Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio) on August 24 issued a statement on the 27th anniversary of Ukrainian independence from the Soviet Union, reiterating his longstanding support for the independence and territorial integrity of Ukraine.

The text of the statement reads:

“I wish the brave people of Ukraine a joyous national day. This is an important day to commemorate the proud history of the Ukrainian people.

“The United States stands firmly with the Ukrainian government as they strive to fulfill the promises of the Revolution of Dignity. As Russia continues to illegally occupy Crimea and fuel the devastating war in eastern Ukraine, the United States and our allies must increase both our pressure on Russia and our support for Ukraine’s capacity to defend itself against this aggression. We must remember our promises under the Budapest Memorandum, and we must stand with Ukraine as Russia continues this unacceptable assault on Ukraine’s sovereignty.”