August 19, 2016

Since 2014, 18 countries have provided non-lethal military assistance to Ukraine


Since January 2014, 18 countries have provided $164.1 million (U.S.) worth of non-lethal military assistance to Ukraine, with more than 80 percent of that coming from just two countries, the United States, which has given $117.6 million worth of supplies, and Canada, which has given $23.6 million.

Those figures were provided to the Apostrophe portal by the Ukrainian Defense Ministry, which noted that there had been some weapons provided as well, by Lithuania among others, but that data about such transfers remain classified ( 2016-08-03/voyna-na-donbasse-kakie-stranyi-zapada-pomogali-ukraine/6566).

According to the ministry, the amount (in U.S. dollars) of non-lethal military assistance to Ukraine between January 1, 2014, and July 15, 2016, provided by the 18 countries is as follows.

United States $117,573,368
Canada $23,641,521
Poland $5,421,745
United Kingdom $4,975,847
Australia $4,682,498
China $3,400,000
Turkey $1,052,568
Slovakia $774,543
Norway $629,501
France $594,020
Netherlands $500,000
Spain $258,419
Czech Republic $245,782
Albania $226,388
Lithuania $116,201
Switzerland $31,928
Latvia $31,125
Denmark $21,300

Commenting on this data, Sergey Zgurets, director of the Defense Express Information Consulting Company, said that this foreign assistance had “a very great political effect at the very beginning of the Russian intervention when it seemed that Ukraine was standing one on one with a nuclear power.”

But “all countries tried not to cross a definite line in order not to provoke Russia to harsher methods of conducting military operations in the Donbas.” Furthermore, he said, it was important for Ukraine to rely as heavily as possible on its own resources, given that it has a sizeable military industry.  There have been achievements there, but much remains to be done.