October 30, 2020

“So what!” column shows callous disregard


Dear Editor:

The Ukrainian Antiracist Community condemns the racist language in Myron Kuropas’ “So what!” column (October 12). Our shared Ukrainian heritage and our knowledge of the history of injustices perpetuated against the Ukrainian people obligate us to speak when injustices are committed against our fellow Americans. We were troubled and disappointed to see such a tone-deaf and factually incorrect opinion piece published in The Weekly. This article trivialized the concerted efforts of Black, Indigenous and marginalized communities to be treated equally under the law. Dr. Kuropas’s ill-informed caricature of the 1619 project, in addition to his mocking of LGBTQIA persons and women, did not add substance or merit to the national conversation on equality.

The very refrain “so what” shows callous disregard for real people facing real harm. Ukrainians, recalling Taras Shevchenko’s poem “Meni Odnakovo,” know that the price of complacency is too great. The election might not impact Dr. Kuropas directly, but it will impact millions around him. Unlike Dr. Kuropas, we believe that ensuring basic rights and safety for non-white and otherwise marginalized peoples does not disadvantage white communities, but instead benefits them. The entire nation will become stronger, more cohesive, more democratic and safer when everyone in our communities has the opportunity to not just survive, but also to thrive.

We encourage our fellow Ukrainian Americans to actively participate in this election by putting our shared Ukrainian values into action to build our communities up instead of tearing them down.

Dr. Adriana Helbig

The letter writer indicates that she is writing on behalf of the Ukrainian Antiracist Community.