June 26, 2020

Soyuzivka is ready to welcome guests and will reopen Wednesday, July 1


The Ukrainian National Foundation and Soyuzivka management are pleased to announce that Soyuzivka will reopen on July 1, 2020, with enhanced health and safety protocols. As we are preparing to reopen, please be assured that we are giving the utmost attention to the safety of all our guests and staff, and will continue to follow the latest advice and directives of our state and local authorities. Below you will find an update to our operational changes to address the current COVID-19 outbreak.

We cannot do this alone; we will need your help and support. Please be patient as we institute social distancing guidelines. We also ask for you to take personal responsibility for your safety and the safety of friends, family and staff. Please be assured we will continue to provide our guests with exceptional service to ensure our guests continue to have a wonderful experience at Soyuzivka.


Our heartfelt thanks

As we constantly evaluate and update policies and protocols, we want to extend a special advance thank-you to our guests for their cooperation and patience. We also would like to thank our staff for working tirelessly to make our guests’ stay enjoyable, as well as safe.


Health and safety

If you or any member of your family are experiencing virus symptoms prior to your arrival, please stay home.



The continued health and safety of our staff is our utmost priority. Here’s what you can expect from our team:

– Approved personal protective equipment (PPE) will be supplied to all employees.

– Staff members will be required to wear face coverings until further notice.

– Gloves will be required by food and beverage staff, according to Department of Health guidelines.

– Continual and enhanced training will be provided to all staff on cleanliness and physical distancing standards.

– Frequent and proper handwashing will be required of all staff members.

– Wellness screenings will be required for all staff members in order to be permitted on the property to begin their shifts.



– Upon arrival, guests may be required to have their temperature taken with a noncontact thermometer.

– Check-ins will be streamlined to minimize interaction with other guests and staff.

– Guests will be required to disclose if they have symptoms or if they have been in contact with anyone who has had COVID-19 within the last two weeks.

– Guests will be required to sign an “Assumption of Risk” waiver.

– Masks are required in public areas and whenever you are around other staff and/or guests.



– Soyuzivka will reopen on Wednesday, July 1.

– A three-night minimum is required for the Fourth of July weekend.

– All other stays require a two-night minimum.

– Advance reservations are required with a credit card guarantee.

– A 48-hour cancellation policy will be in effect.

– Soyuzivka will contact all who previously cancelled summer reservations and offer them an opportunity to rebook their rooms.


Further information about operations and services at Soyuzivka is available at www.soyuzivka.com.