August 28, 2020

Statements on Ukraine’s Independence Day


Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

Today, we join Ukrainian communities in Canada and around the world to celebrate the 29th anniversary of Ukraine’s independence.

Canada was the first Western country to recognize Ukraine’s independence. Ever since, we have worked alongside the people of Ukraine as a steadfast partner and close friend. We have supported them in their efforts to protect their sovereignty and security and build a more prosperous, democratic future. As part of that effort, our Canadian Armed Forces members are providing capacity building to the Security Forces of Ukraine as part of Operation UNIFIER. We have also established free trade between our two countries and we are working closely with the international community to support Ukraine’s reform efforts.

Canada and Ukraine enjoy a close relationship built on shared values and strong people-to-peoples ties. Over 1.3 million Canadians of Ukrainian descent call this country home. Through their unique culture, traditions, and language, members of the Ukrainian-Canadian community continue to make Canada a better place, every day.

As we celebrate these deep and lasting bonds of family and friendship, we also recognize that this year has been difficult for people in both our countries. The Ukraine International Airlines Flight PS752 tragedy and the COVID-19 pandemic have taken the lives of so many Canadians and Ukrainians, and changed the lives of countless others. The COVID-19 pandemic has had significant economic, health, and social impacts on both of our people. These challenges serve to remind us of the importance of solidarity and cooperation as we work to ensure the safety, security, and well-being of Ukrainians and Canadians.

Today, we celebrate the close people-to-people connections, cultural ties, and values that unite Canada and Ukraine. We look forward to continuing to build our relationship as we advance our shared priorities and we reaffirm our steadfast commitment to support Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. On behalf of all Canadians, Sophie and I wish those celebrating today a happy Ukrainian Independence Day. Slava Ukraini!


U.S. Secretary of State Michael Pompeo

On behalf of the United States government and the American people, I send my congratulations to the people of Ukraine on the 29th anniversary of your nation’s independence.

Our support for a free, resilient and democratic Ukraine is unwavering. We remain fully committed to diplomatic efforts to end Russia’s ongoing aggression in eastern Ukraine. As we stated in the Crimea Declaration, the United States rejects Russia’s attempted annexation of Crimea and pledges to maintain this policy until Russia returns full control of all Ukrainian territory to Ukraine. We stand with Ukrainians in government and civil society who are working to push forward crucial transformational reforms that advance economic growth, security, and the rule of law.

The friendship between our two countries has never been stronger. We look forward to continuing our partnership and working with Ukraine’s leaders and citizens as you build a bright, secure and democratic future. I wish you continued prosperity and success in the years ahead.


EDITOR’S NOTE: Though it was reported in Ukraine that President Volodymyr Zelens­kyy received greetings from U.S. President Donald Trump, the text was not released by the White House. (A citation of that message appears in the Ukrainian Independence Day story filed by our colleague in Kyiv that begins on the front page of this issue.)


Democratic Party candidate for president Joe Biden

Today, I join with Ukrainians and Ukrainian-Americans in celebrating the 29th anniversary of Ukraine’s independence, even as this holiday serves as a bittersweet reminder of the plight of Ukrainians living under illegal Russian occupation in Crimea and eastern Ukraine.

As a senator and as vice-president, I strongly supported Ukraine’s ongoing quest to become a modern, democratic European state, in which all citizens can live in peace and prosperity. I saw first-hand the progress Ukraine has made over the course of my six visits to Ukraine as vice-president, and I know from the conversations I had with Ukrainian leaders and average citizens the difficulties of these last six years, as Ukraine has been fighting a two-front war, against Russia in the east and for rule of law at home.

Following the Revolution of Dignity, the Obama-Biden Administration was proud to help Ukraine defend itself against Russia’s invasion. We applied costly sanctions to punish Moscow for its aggression, and rallied our allies to ensure that Ukraine received the financial, political and military support it needed to withstand Russian coercion. We supported the reforms Ukrainians so desperately wanted and pressed Ukraine’s leaders to fight corruption because a stable, independent, democratic and prosperous Ukraine is also good for the United States.

In contrast, President Trump refuses to confront Vladimir Putin over Russia’s continuing assault against Ukraine, even insinuating on several occasions that Crimea is rightfully Russian territory. He withheld vital military assistance in an effort to extort Ukrainian President Zelenskyy into interfering in the 2020 U.S. presidential election. He sidelined professional diplomats in the creation of Ukraine policy, and he has repeatedly put his personal interests over those of the United States.

As president, I will make it clear to the Kremlin that it must end its aggression toward and occupation of Ukraine. A Biden-Harris administration will ensure that Ukraine gets the economic and military support that it needs, including lethal weapons, while urging Ukraine to pursue the essential reforms that are vital to its success. Together, we will work toward the celebration of Ukraine’s independence day as a peaceful, whole, sovereign, democratic and prosperous country.


Ukrainian World Congress

Ukrainian World Congress President Paul Grod congratulated all Ukrainians around the world on Ukraine’s Independ­ence Day:

On behalf of the Ukrainian World Congress, I welcome all Ukrainians and friends of Ukraine on this important anniversary – the renewal of Ukraine’s independence. Twenty-nine years ago, the dream of many generations of Ukrainians came true. Unfortunately, today Ukraine’s independence is once again threatened by Russia’s military aggression. We remain committed to defending Ukraine and the Ukrainian people around the world; to building a democratic and economically strong Ukraine; and to fostering our identity as Ukrainians around the world.

The global Ukrainian community and all peace-loving people stand shoulder to shoulder with the people of Ukraine in their pursuit for peace and prosperity.

Happy Independence Day! Glory to Ukraine!


Ukrainian Canadian Congress

The Ukrainian Canadian Congress extends warm greetings to everyone celebrating Ukraine’s Independence Day! Twenty-nine years ago, on August 24, 1991, the Ukrainian people exercised their inviolable right to self-determination, and Ukraine was declared an independent, indivisible democratic state.

EDITOR’S NOTE: The following section of the greeting was in Ukrainian:

Today, yet another generation of Ukrainian patriots is compelled to defend the Ukrainian state against Russia’s war of aggression. In a brave and dignified manner, Ukrainians are defending their state, as well as the values of justice, democracy and human rights. And our community will continue to support their efforts.

Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the Heroes!


Ukrainian Congress Committee of America

On this 29th anniversary of Ukraine’s renewed independence, the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America sends its warmest greetings to Ukrainians throughout the world.

May the Lord watch over the Ukrainian people and grant them the strength to secure their sovereignty and restore their territorial integrity against Russia’s continued aggression. May Ukraine continue to possess the fortitude and wisdom to continue in their Euro-Atlantic path to true democracy.

Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the Heroes!