September 2, 2016

Statements on Ukrainian Independence Day


Gov. John Kasich of Ohio (August 24):

This is a landmark day for Ukraine – a country that has made significant sacrifices in its fight for democracy.

I congratulate the people of Ukraine on the 25th anniversary of Ukraine’s independence.

All Americans should be proud to stand with Ukrainian Americans and Ukrainians to defend and ensure Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Moscow should implement its obligations under the Minsk II agreements, while working with Kyiv to return Crimea and Donbas to Ukrainian sovereignty in a manner that satisfies the national security interest of both parties.

As we join Ukrainians in celebrating their national independence, the United States must stand ready to provide Ukrainians with the lethal defensive weapons required for their legitimate self-defense and work with Moscow and Kyiv to reach a mutually acceptable end to the Crimean and Donbas conflicts.

U.S. Sen. Rob Portman, Republican of Ohio, (August 24): 

Ukrainian independence is critical not just to Eastern Europe, but to the world. After 70 years of Soviet domination, the Ukrainian people regained their freedom and chose the path of democracy, liberty and peace, with an assurance from the United States that we would protect their borders. But once again, Russia has violated these borders, killing thousands and displacing roughly 1.7 million Ukrainians from their homes. The United States must never recognize Vladimir Putin’s illegal annexation of Crimea, and we should keep sanctions on Russia until its behavior changes. And, instead of trying to cut deals with our adversaries at the expense of our enemies – as the Obama administration has done – we must finally give the Ukrainian people the tools they need to defend themselves.

Office of Rep. Sander Levin, Democrat of Michigan (August 24):

Today, August 24, Rep. Levin joins the community in commemorating Ukraine’s 25th anniversary of independence. The United States and the international community must stand with the people of Ukraine against Russian aggression and continue to help Ukraine develop the rule of law and strengthen its democracy.

Hillary for America Foreign Policy Advisor Laura Rosenberger (August 24):

Twenty-five years ago, the citizens of Ukraine boldly declared their independence from the Soviet Union and affirmed their right to self determination. Today, as we observe this Independence Day, Ukrainians honor the legacy of that courageous act, and those who have sacrificed for those ideals and principles in the years since, including on the Maidan.

Through her multiple visits to Ukraine, Secretary Clinton has seen first-hand the passion with which Ukrainians fight for these ideals in the face of persistent adversity. She remains a staunch ally and advocate as they continue to defend their sovereignty.

Together, we also acknowledge and celebrate the rich contributions of Ukrainian-Americans to the fabric of American life, and their deep commitment to the ideals of democracy and freedom.

Independent conservative presidential candidate Evan McMullin (August 25):

Twenty-five years ago, Ukrainian citizens rose up and cast off the yoke of Soviet oppression. August 24, 1991, marked an end to centuries of foreign oppression and decades under the heel of the Soviets. Passed first by the Ukrainian Parliament and then by referendum by the Ukrainian people, the Act of Declaration of Independence of Ukraine was a proud moment for the people of Ukraine, and the world.

Sadly, American policy during this administration has put Ukrainian independence in peril. Vladimir Putin is now waging a bloody war of aggression that has already claimed 10,000 lives. The purpose of Putin’s war is to dismember Ukraine and subordinate its people to Moscow’s rule. Even though Ukrainian troops are fighting bravely, President Obama refuses to provide Ukrainian forces with the weapons they need to defend their freedom. Shamefully, Donald Trump has defended Putin and his brutality. For her part, Hillary Clinton was the architect of this president’s failed policy of reconciliation with Moscow, known as the “reset.” Only Evan McMullin understands the threat posed by Moscow and will stand shoulder to shoulder with the people of Ukraine as they defend the peace of Europe.