March 12, 2015

Students touch modern Ukrainian history


Verkhovna Rada First Vice-Chairman Andriy Parubiy (center) with students of the Selfreliance School of Ukrainian Studies in New York City.

NEW YORK – On Saturday, February 28, high school students of the Selfreliance School of Ukrainian Studies in New York City had a historic meeting with Andriy Parubiy, first vice-chairman of the Verkhovna Rada and former secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine.

The students anxiously awaited the arrival of a living legend of the Maidan. Hearing the story of the modern-day struggle for Ukrainian freedom, the formation of a Ukrainian army and the Revolution of Dignity from the lips of an actual freedom fighter and leader of the Euro-Maidan was an unparalleled experience for the young audience. Mr. Parubiy’s warm, fatherly approach only enhanced the exchange.

Mr. Parubiy emphasized the vital importance and influence of youth organizations in cultivating a new generation of Ukrainian patriots, full of love and loyalty to their country. He reminded the group that patriotic young people who grew up in youth organizations were always on the vanguard of Ukrainian history, ready and willing to fight for change.

As a memento of his visit, Mr. Parubiy gave the school a flag from the Maidan.