May 18, 2019

Support Ukraine’s Global Scholars


Dear Editor:

I am writing as a proud supporter of the innovative Ukraine Global Scholars Program described in a recent (April 28) issue of The Ukrainian Weekly.

This is a visionary, long-term initiative designed to get these kids, of very limited means, terrific educations while inculcating them with a commitment to a virtuous cycle whereby they return to Ukraine for internships and then commit to serving Ukrainian interests after they complete their education. The program places incredibly smart and talented students among elite secondary school student populations in the U.S., highlighting their intelligence, talent, work ethic and Ukrainian nationality to their peers and faculty. I have met some of them and they are a breathtakingly impressive bunch of young people. 

As we diaspora Ukrainian Americans search for effective ways to teach America about Ukraine, its value to the West and its struggle against Russian aggression, I can’t think of a better way than to have these young people demonstrate by their example the potential of Ukraine. I urge you to support this program not only through financial contributions but by reaching out and connecting with these kids to welcome them and to show them our Ukrainian hospitality. You can learn more here:

Brookline, Mass.