April 19, 2019

SUSK and UCC appoint Illya Mykytyn as national coordinator


OTTAWA – The Ukrainian Canadian Students’ Union (SUSK) and the Ukrainian Canadian Congress (UCC) announced the appointment of Illya Mykytyn as the new SUSK national coordinator. 

Mr. Mykytyn is a graduate of the University of Toronto and has been working for a number of years at the Canadian Ukrainian Immigrant Aid Society (CUAIS). He began working on a part-time basis at SUSK on March 11. His duties will be split between SUSK and the UCC. 

“I am very pleased to welcome Illya to the UCC team,” stated Ihor Michalchyshyn, national executive director for the UCC. “It is important for our community to continue to strengthen our engagement with Ukrainian Canadian youth, and I am confident that Illya will play a key role in this regard.”

“Illya has great understanding of the Ukrainian student movement, both from his involvement at the University of Toronto and interest in advocacy. I look forward to him bringing his enthusiasm and skills to the job at hand,” stated Stephanie Nedoshytko, SUSK president. “I would like to thank the Temerty Family Foundation and Ukrainian Credit Union for their continued support, whose donation made this position possible. We appreciate the UCC’s continued partnership and contributions, as well as the efforts of SUSK alumni who set the framework for the continuity of the national coordinator position.”

Within SUSK, Mr. Mykytyn will work with registered Ukrainian students’ organizations across Canada; lead the development of fund-raising strategy and programs, including active targeting of government, academic and non-profit grants; assist with the development of guides and handbooks for organization membership; identify research, program, employment and development opportunities for Ukrainian students at large; and ensure organizational sustainability, institutional memory and future growth.

For more information, readers may visit www.ucc.ca or www.facebook.com/ukrcancongress.