July 10, 2020

Thanks for commentaries supporting racial equity


Dear Editor:

I’m writing to express my appreciation to my two fellow “Andriyi” (Andrew Fedynsky and Andriy Semotiuk) for their recent commentaries (June 28-July 5) supporting racial equity and reminding us of its close connection to all of us with Ukrainian roots. They each thoughtfully and convincingly explained why racial equity and, by extension, gender, ethnic and sexual identity equity should matter to each of us.

Obviously, it’s the right course to follow, but all of us with Ukrainian origins feel the heavy historical burden of generations of intense repression and persecution by a variety of enemies so we can easily relate to other targeted groups. This reality continues to the present day.

It’s gratifying to see these issues resonating so strongly in our community. I look forward to seeing our involvement deepen and grow in the future.


Andriy Ripecky,