April 6, 2018

Thanks for editorial about our ‘kredytivky’


Dear Editor:

I would like to express my appreciation to The Ukrainian Weekly for your editorial “Our ‘kredytivky’ – our mainstays” (March 23) which highlighted the contributions of Ukrainian-American credit unions.

Each of the 13 credit unions that comprise the Ukrainian National Credit Union Association (UNCUA) is unique in character and business model. However, all share a common vision of delivering exceptional value to their customers, while at the same time giving back to their communities. We are also proud to provide financial support to many of our diaspora “hromada” organizations to ensure their continued existence and relevance.

UNCUA member credit unions are led by talented managers and volunteer boards who contribute their skills and time to ensure that they deliver superior products and services. Further, the kredytivky are working hard to keep pace with technology and provide the same services as commercial banks. We encourage those of you who are not members of a Ukrainian American credit union to do some comparison shopping and include credit unions in your search for a primary financial institution. I’m confident that you will find a UNCUA credit union that can be an effective partner in meeting your personal financial needs.

Yonkers, N.Y.

The letter-writer is chairman of the Ukrainian National Credit Union Association.