September 7, 2018

The 27th Anniversary of Ukraine’s Independence – Miami


Zoriana Romankiv

The Ukrainian community of Miami at the local Ukrainian Independence Day celebration.

On Sunday, August 26, the Ukrainian community of Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Ukrainian Catholic Church in Miami celebrated the 27th anniversary of Ukraine’s renewed independence and the 100th anniversary of Ukraine’s earlier proclamation of its independence with a festive lunch and cultural program in the church hall.

Prior to the program, during the divine liturgy, Father Andrii Romankiv prayed for those who perished in the fight for Ukraine’s freedom. 

The theme of “What it means to be a Ukrainian in the United States today” was thoughtfully analyzed by Peter J. Piaseckyj in Ukrainian and in English by Patty Krysa and Sonia Lotocky. 

Weaving the history of past contributions of Ukrainians back from the 17th century with those of the successive waves of Ukrainians who came to the U.S., Mr. Piaseckyj concluded that Ukrainian Americans today have to emulate those of the past to preserve the institutions we have, or else face the possibility of their extinction. 

Ms. Krysa, a third-generation member of the Miami community, drew on her past and the values that were instilled in her by her parents and Ukrainian institutions. Having such a strong core of knowledge about who she is gives her direction and inspiration to always be involved in matters Ukrainian, she noted.

Ms. Lotocky, a fourth-generation Ukrainian American, a member of the Ukrainian Dancers of Miami and the church choir, spoke of her love for her heritage, how proud she is of this background, and the importance of sharing and educating non-Ukrainians about Ukraine.

Inspirational and sometimes disturbing patriotic poetry was recited by Marijka Pivsetok Karachun, Irena Virstuuk, Alex Veshtebej , Maria Lysobej and the youngest participants of the program, Matvijko and Darynka Karachun.

The church choir, under the direction of Donna Maksymowich-Waskiewicz, sang the religious hymn “Bozhe Velykyi Yedynyi” and “Zasialo Sontse Zolote.” The Maksymowich Trio (Ms. Maksymowich-Waskiewicz, Karyn Wilk and Hanya Lotocka), in their usual beautiful voices, presented a Ukrainian medley of songs and the moving “Lebedi Materynstva.”

Roman Romaniv, our resident humorist with a phenomenal memory, entertained with his repertoire of Ukrainian and English humor.

The cultural program led by Oksana Piaseckyj ended with a short video titled “O Ukrayino” and with the community joining in the singing.