June 14, 2019

The Coat of Arms of the Most Reverend Borys Gudziak


The coat uses a laconic modern style reflecting the semiotics of a contemporary logo. The Trinitarian, Christocentric, Eucharistic and Old Kyivan accents are clearly discernible. The coat of arms is not in the form of a militaristic shield, but of a chalice as symbol of the Pascal bloodless sacrifice.

The trident, the main element, is a sign of St. Volodymyr the Great’s acceptance in 988 of the faith in the Triune God and symbolizes the fullness of Divinity. Its crimson color represents the sacrifice of Christ, the martyrs, and wine of the Eucharistic. Gold is the color of Divinity and of bread. The Son of God becomes man and sheds his blood, accepting death on the cross to witness in this world to God’s eternal love and glory.
The cross in the center symbolizes the Savior’s Easter victory – through the Cross – to the Resurrection. This devotion to Christ and the Cross is shown by the princes and passion-bearers Ss. Borys and Hlib, sons of Volodymyr, representatives of the first generation of the baptism of Rus’-Ukraine, and the first saints canonized on Kyivan land. Their bowed heads – vivid fraternal benevolence – exemplify an interpersonal relationship of harmony, peace and joy, reflecting the interpersonal love in the Holy Trinity.

The motto Eucharisto (“thank you” in Greek) stands for both the Eucharistic sacrifice and gratitude for the grace and generosity of God.