October 16, 2020

The Democrats are not our friends


Dear Editor:

From the viewpoint of history, Ukrainian Americans voting Democratic seems absurd. These people are not our friends. To the Democrats, Russian domination, keeping Ukrainians in check, was a good thing. I still remember the anchormen sneering when Republican Ronald Reagan talked about the “Captive Nations.”

So it’s no surprise that the Obama-Biden administration refused Ukraine the weapons it needed to defend itself from Russia, while Donald Trump sent them. Will the “Harris-Biden” administration – as Joe Biden called it in a senior moment – take the weapons back? They certainly intend to roll back the energy policies that have crippled Russia’s economy. Compare how many square miles of territory Ukraine lost during the Obama-Biden administration, compared to little or nothing lost in the last four years.

If “Harris-Biden” win: Ukrainian Americans are white, which means that, according to the Democrats, all the problems of the Black community are our fault. When they come for “slavery reparations,” don’t bother arguing that Ukrainian Americans are descended from serfs, not slave owners.

The Democrats believe you should be glad when your child is passed over for admission to a university to make room for someone with lower grades and test scores but the right ethnicity; or when a less-qualified candidate is hired or promoted instead of you.

To sum up, the Democrats are not our friends.

Taras Wolansky
Kerhonkson, N.Y.