July 26, 2019

The downing of MH17: five years later


Ukrainian World Congress

The Ukrainian World Congress released the following statement on July 16.

Over the past five years, the Russian Federation has harbored the criminals responsible for the killing of 298 innocent civilians on July 17, 2014, when Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 travelling from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur was shot down over Ukrainian territory by a Russian-controlled missile system. Despite persistent efforts by the Kremlin to discredit the findings of the Joint Investigation Team (JIT) tasked with determining the cause of the disaster, the overwhelming evidence gathered confirms that culpability for this crime lies with the Russian Federation.

“It is appalling that on the fifth anniversary of this criminal act of terrorism against innocent civilians, Russia continues to deny its responsibility for this tragedy. Kremlin spin doctors have maintained a fervent disinformation campaign with the goal of sowing doubt about the validity of the findings while attempting to transfer the blame to Ukraine and its authorities,” stated Ukrainian World Congress President Paul Grod.

The JIT, with representatives from the Netherlands, Belgium, Australia, Ukraine and Malaysia, concluded that MH17 was downed as a result of an exploding missile fired from a Russian-controlled Buk missile system positioned in a farm field near the settlement of Pervomaiske on territory under the control of occupying Russian military forces. The JIT also confirmed that the Buk missile system used in the attack was delivered to Ukraine from the Russian Federation and following the crash was returned to Russia, both conclusions being supported by both American and European data, and open source intelligence.

From the very start of the investigation, Russia has unashamedly promoted its version of events, including accusations that Ukraine shot down the plane, and discrediting the findings based on Ukraine’s inclusion on the JIT. On July 30, 2015, Russia vetoed a draft resolution of the U.N. Security Council on the establishment of an international tribunal to prosecute the perpetrators of the MH17 flight catastrophe. 

Members of the JIT announced in The Hague on June 19, 2019, that three Russian nationals and one Ukrainian would be charged with murder over the attack on the civilian jet. The trial will take place in The Hague in March 2020.

“We call on the international community to bring the MH17 executioners and their Kremlin masters to justice. The top Russian political and military commanders who gave the order to shoot down MH17 must face criminal responsibility and the Russian Federation must be censured,” added Mr. Grod. “The Ukrainian World Congress and the global Ukrainian community stand in remembrance and solidarity with the families and friends of the victims of the MH17 disaster on the fifth anniversary of this act of terrorism as the quest for justice continues. May the memory of the victims be eternal and such tragedy never happen again.” 

Ukrainian Canadian Congress

The Ukrainian Canadian Congress issued the release below on July 17.

On the fifth anniversary of the downing of Flight MH17, the Ukrainian Canadian community joins the families and friends of the victims in grief and solemn remembrance. We call upon the international community to ensure that Russian officials responsible for this appalling act of international terrorism are brought to justice.

On July 17, 2014, Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17 was shot down over Russian-occupied territory in eastern Ukraine by a Russian Buk missile. All 298 people on board were killed, including Canadian Andrei Anghel. May the Memory of the Victims Be Eternal. Вічная пам’ять.

On May 24, 2018, the International Joint Investigation Team (JIT – Australia, Belgium, Ukraine, Malaysia, the Netherlands) concluded that Russia’s 53rd Anti-Aircraft Brigade shot down Flight MH17. The JIT stated that it is “convinced that the Buk-TELAR that was used to down MH17 originates from the 53rd Anti-Aircraft Missile brigade, a unit of the Russian army from Kursk in the Russian Federation.”

“Ultimate responsibility for this heinous crime lies with the leadership of the Russian Federation,” stated Alexandra Chyczij, national president of the Ukrainian Canadian Congress. “The international community must respond strongly to the threat to international peace posed by the Russian regime.”

The Ukrainian Canadian Congress calls on Canada and the international community to designate the Russian Federation a state sponsor of terrorism and designate the so-called Donetsk and Luhansk “peoples’ republics” terrorist organizations.

Ukrainian Congress Committee of America

The Ukrainian Congress Committee of America on July 17 released the statement that follows.

The Ukrainian Congress Committee of America (UCCA), the largest representative organization of Americans of Ukrainian descent, joins the world community in solemnly commemorating the 5th anniversary of the downing of flight MH17. On July 17, 2014, 298 innocent passengers and crew, flying from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur aboard Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17, were murdered by a Buk anti-aircraft missile launched from Russian terrorist-controlled territory in Ukraine. 

Since the horrific crash, the Joint Investigation Team, led by the Netherlands, Australia, Belgium, Malaysia and Ukraine, has provided hard evidence that the missile system involved in shooting down flight MH17 came from a Russian military brigade. According to their investigation, the plane was hit by a Russian-made Buk 9M38 missile fired from territory controlled by Russian terrorists, using a mobile launcher trucked in from Russia and hastily returned there after the attack.

“The downing of MH17 is an egregious example of the Kremlin’s disregard for innocent life,” stated UCCA President Andriy Futey. “Righteousness must be delivered for the victims of this horrible tragedy, and the UCCA hopes that the Russian Federation will finally accept responsibility and fully cooperate with the international community so that those responsible are brought to justice,” he added.

On this solemn fifth anniversary, the UCCA’s thoughts and prayers go out to the victims’ families, including one American citizen, and we ask God to remember all those who perished and grant them eternal peace.