September 9, 2016

The Ukrainian Museum marks Ukraine’s independence anniversary with two exhibits


“The Ostrozky Family, 14th-17th Centuries” (block, 16.35 hrv, 130.90 mm, November 13, 2015; 40,000 copies). The Ostrozky family is an old-Ukrainian princely family of the 14th-17th centuries. The best known representatives of the family are father and son Kostiantyn and Vasyl Kostiantyn, who defended national distinctiveness and contributed substantial funds to the construction of churches and the promotion of Orthodoxy. Under the command of Hetman Kostiantyn Ostrozky, the allied forces of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Kingdom of Poland defeated the Muscovite army in the Battle of Orsha in 1514. Known as the “defender of Orthodoxy,” his son Vasyl Kostiantyn founded the Ostroh Academy and Printing House.

NEW YORK – The Ukrainian Museum is marking two significant chapters in Ukraine’s modern history – 25 years since its declaration of independence in 1991 and the approaching centennial of the liberation struggle and short-lived independence in the early 20th century – with two parallel exhibitions.

“In Metal, On Paper: Coins, Banknotes, and Postage Stamps of Independent Ukraine, 1991-2016” is curated by Yuri Savchuk, Ph.D., senior research associate at the Institute of History of Ukraine, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (NANU). The Ukrainian Museum organized this exhibition in partnership with the National Bank of Ukraine, the Ukrainian State Enterprise of Posts (“Ukrposhta”) and the Institute of History of Ukraine, NANU.

2 hrv banknote (2004, 118.63 mm, September 28, 2004, Banknote Printing and Minting Works of the National Bank of Ukraine). On the front side of the banknote is a portrait of Grand Prince Yaroslav the Wise of Kyiv. On the reverse side is a depiction of St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv.

2 hrv banknote (2004, 118.63 mm, September 28, 2004, Banknote Printing and Minting Works of the National Bank of Ukraine). On the front side of the banknote is a portrait of Grand Prince Yaroslav the Wise of Kyiv. On the reverse side is a depiction of St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv.

“Money, Sovereignty and Power: The Paper Currency of Revolutionary Ukraine, 1917-1920” is curated by Bohdan Kordan, professor and director of the Prairie Center for the Study of Ukrainian Heritage (PCUH) at St. Thomas More College, University of Saskatchewan. This traveling exhibition was organized by PCUH in cooperation with the Ukrainian Museum of Canada.

The exhibitions will be open to the public from September 11 through November 27.

The exposition “In Metal, on Paper” showcases 212 coins out of the 700 that were put into circulation by the National Bank of Ukraine from July 10, 1996, to August 24, 2016; 24 banknotes out of the 50 that have been in circulation from September 1996 until today; and 50 items of philately representative of the 1,500 postal stamps that were released by “Ukrposhta,” the Ukrainian State Enterprise of Posts (the national postal service) from March 1992 to September 2016.

200 hrv banknote (148.75 mm, May 28, 2007, Banknote Printing and Minting Works of the National Bank of Ukraine). The front of the banknote shows a portrait of Lesia Ukrainka, outstanding Ukrainian poet of the 19th and early 20th centuries. Seen on the back is shown the entrance tower of Lutsk Castle.

200 hrv banknote (148.75 mm, May 28, 2007, Banknote Printing and Minting Works of the National Bank of Ukraine). The front of the banknote shows a portrait of Lesia Ukrainka, outstanding Ukrainian poet of the 19th and early 20th centuries. Seen on the back is shown the entrance tower of Lutsk Castle.

The selection of showcased items illuminates the thousand-year history of Ukraine, from its early Kyivan-Rus’ period to the present day, its spiritual and cultural heritage, prominent activities and achievements of Ukrainians throughout the world. In addition, it also serves to highlight the rapid evolution of national identity within Ukraine, the crystallization of historical memory of the Ukrainian people, as well as illumination of the most important stages of Ukraine’s state-building process.

The exhibition showcases coins, banknotes and postal stamps as original works of art, the creation of which requires not only a special knowledge but also substantial creative effort. Fifty artists are represented in the exhibition, 37 of whom worked on coins – 24 painters and 13 sculptors. The team working on postal designs is similarly varied and consists of 15 artists.

“Traditional Headdresses of Ukrainian Women” (small sheet, 8.40 hrv, 169.235 mm, March 30, 2006; 154,185 copies). The traditional Ukrainian headdress is an integral part of the folk costume. Besides performing protective, symbolic and talismanic functions, it also serves as an aesthetic component of the woman’s costume. Headdresses have generally been the least changeable parts of the Ukrainian costume, maintaining the same basic forms until the beginning of the 20th century. Headdresses are distinctly Ukrainian, but each has its own regional variation.

“Traditional Headdresses of Ukrainian Women” (small sheet, 8.40 hrv, 169.235 mm, March 30, 2006; 154,185 copies). The traditional Ukrainian headdress is an integral part of the folk costume. Besides performing protective, symbolic and talismanic functions, it also serves as an aesthetic component of the woman’s costume. Headdresses have generally been the least changeable parts of the Ukrainian costume, maintaining the same basic forms until the beginning of the 20th century. Headdresses are distinctly Ukrainian, but each has its own regional variation.

The chief designer and co-author of this project is Volodymyr Taran, a well-known artist in the numismatic world and in museum circles.

The opening of this exhibition іn September 2016 is not incidental. Twenty years ago, during the period September 2-16, 1996, the National Bank of Ukraine successfully implemented a monetary reform and introduced the historical hryvnia as the national currency. This name itself signified a new historical orientation and direction for the country.

The national currency is counted among other recognized symbols of statehood such as the country’s national emblem, flag and anthem. It is the embodiment of national and economic state sovereignty, and solidifies the irreversibility of historical events.

Issued at various times during 1917-1920 by several Ukrainian governments, the 25 banknotes featured in the exhibition “Money, Sovereignty and Power” include hryvni, karbovantsi, kupony and rubles, most showing the obverse and reverse sides. Several postage stamps from the period are also highlighted in the show.

“Memorial for the Victims of the Crimean Tatar Genocide” (10 hrv, silver [Ag 925], 31.1 g, 38.6 mm diameter, May 12, 2016, 2,000 minted). This coin commemorates the genocide of the Crimean Tatars. On May 18, 1944, the Soviet regime forcibly removed Crimean Tatars from their historical motherland, Crimea. About half the deportees died as a result of the deportation and food shortages, according to the estimates of Crimean Tatar activists. On November 12, 2015, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine declared May 18 the day for commemoration of this genocide.

“Memorial for the Victims of the Crimean Tatar Genocide” (10 hrv, silver [Ag 925

In the wake of the Great War, from the detritus of imperial collapse, a new political order of nation-states emerged. Among the newly established entities appeared an independent, sovereign Ukraine. From the outset, Ukraine was the object of invasion and its survival was in doubt. Nevertheless, in the search for legitimacy, extraordinary efforts were made to affirm the state’s sovereign, national character. This was to be accomplished by consciously connecting with Ukraine’s historical past both to invoke precedence and to encourage a narrative of political continuity. The symbols introduced in the currency of Ukraine during this revolutionary period were examples of this process.

“25 Years of the Independence of Ukraine” (20 hrv, silver [Ag 925], 62.2 g, 50 mm diameter, August 17, 2016, 3,500 minted). This coin is dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Ukraine’s independence – an event of historically exceptional magnitude for the people of Ukraine. On August 24, 1991, the Verkhovna Rada adopted the Act of Declaration of Independence оf Ukraine, thus creating a sovereign Ukrainian state. Ukraine commemorates this anniversary at a time when it is fighting foreign aggression, defending its territorial integrity and its right to develop as a free and democratic nation.

“25 Years of the Independence of Ukraine” (20 hrv, silver [Ag 925

The Ukrainian Revolution of 1917-1920 was distinguished by the rise and fall of successive governments – each ideologically different, each short-lived. The social-democratic Central Council or Tsentralna Rada was overthrown in a coup by the arch-conservative Hetman Pavlo Skoropadsky, whose regime in turn fell to the quasi-dictatorial Directory. These various governments produced their own currency, co-opting the talents of gifted artists who would invoke specific images and design elements that spoke to the political character of each – populist, conservative or republican. But these images also necessarily cut across ideological lines, signifying a larger commitment to independence as a natural and logical expression of the sovereign will of the people. For this reason, the successor governments were prepared to issue or re-issue currency of their predecessors despite the ideological differences.

“Millennium of Mintage in Kyiv” (20 hrv, silver [Ag 925], 62.2 g, 50 mm diameter, November 5, 2008, 5,000 minted). This coin celebrates the millennium of the first minted coins in Kyivan Rus’. Struck during the rule of the Kyiv Prince Volodymyr the Great, the zlatnyk and sriblianyk were produced in Kyiv in the late 10th century.

“Millennium of Mintage in Kyiv” (20 hrv, silver [Ag 925

The goal of the Ukrainian Revolution, which aimed at national independence, was an ephemeral achievement. But the legitimizing efforts increased the conditions by which society in Ukraine would become progressively aware and accepting of an identity consonant with the idea of the nation. It also infused the public’s imagination and consciousness with a sense of its own destiny. Once engaged, a national alternative became a distinct and real possibility – one, however, that would have to wait for a different time and moment to be realized.

Tours, school groups, family programs

Together, these two exhibitions provide a unique opportunity for visitors to take a walk through Ukraine’s 1,000-year-old history, from ancient to contemporary times. Docent tours offer greater depth and understanding of the objects on display. Groups of 10 or more should call at least two weeks ahead of time to reserve a tour. Teachers are encouraged to take advantage of tours and workshops for school groups as part of their history and culture curriculum. Families with young children will enjoy activities specially designed to introduce them to Ukraine’s history.

“Volodymyr the Great, Grand Prince of Kyiv” (20 hrv, Silver [Ag 925], 62.2 g, 50 mm diameter, July 24, 2015, 2,000 minted). This coin commemorates the millennium of the death of Volodymyr the Great, grand prince of Kyiv, outstanding statesman, military leader and baptizer of Ukraine-Rus’.

“Volodymyr the Great, Grand Prince of Kyiv” (20 hrv, Silver [Ag 925

Fees apply – please see the “Education” section on the museum’s website for details. To make reservations or request more information, call 212-228-0110 or email [email protected].

The Ukrainian Museum is located at 222 E. Sixth St. (between Second Avenue and The Bowery); telephone, 212-228-0110; e-mail, [email protected]; website, Admission is $8 for adults, $6 for seniors and students, free for children age 12 and younger.