July 31, 2015

The Ukrainian Weekly’s lifeline connects us all


Packing a shipment destined for volunteer battalions in Ukraine are (from left) Chrystia Senyk, Ulana Mazurkevich and Lesia Chmelko.

Dear Editor:

I applaud The Ukrainian Weekly for the work it does in bringing together the Ukrainian community and its supporters.

The Ukrainian Weekly has a very wide reach, and I was pleasantly surprised when my letter to the editor on helping the volunteer battalions in Ukraine garnered a wide response of support. It was very moving to read the numerous letters that expressed support for “our boys fighting the war in the east.”

Letters of support with donations came from as far away as Wyoming, Oregon, Nebraska and Texas. These individuals reside in areas that do not have Ukrainian centers. However, they are connected to the Ukrainian diaspora in the United States by The Ukrainian Weekly.

We are thankful for the generosity of the Ukrainian Language Society in Florida under the leadership of Dr. Vira Bodnaruk and the St. Olha Sisterhood of St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Maryland, led by Olha Matula, as well as many individuals who supported the volunteer battalions.

And we thank The Ukrainian Weekly for providing that lifeline that connects us all.



The letter-writer is president of the Ukrainian Human Rights Committee. 

Packing a shipment destined for volunteer battalions in Ukraine are (from left) Chrystia Senyk, Ulana Mazurkevich and Lesia Chmelko.

Packing a shipment destined for volunteer battalions in Ukraine are (from left) Chrystia Senyk, Ulana Mazurkevich and Lesia Chmelko.