March 26, 2021

Time to pass judgment on Trump


Dear Editor:

It must be clear to all Ukrainians that Russian President Vladimir Putin is Ukraine’s enemy. Unless Ukrainians are content with Ukraine being a “little Russia” or “that Ukraine is part of ‘the Russian world,’” which The Weekly noted is Moscow’s stance, Ukrainians must accept former President Donald Trump also is Ukraine’s enemy.

Mr. Trump’s 2016 campaign manager, Paul Manafort, an advisor to former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, changed the strong GOP platform on Ukraine to a mild call for “appropriate assistance.” Mr. Trump told the G-7 leaders assembled in Quebec in 2018 that Crimea was part of Russia because people speak Russian.

In Helsinki in 2018, Mr. Trump disdained American intelligence analysis. He praised Mr. Putin, saying “President Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial today.” This was called a “disgraceful performance” by Sen. John McCain, who added that “no prior president has ever abased himself more abjectly before a tyrant.”

Congress passed a defense authorization act prohibiting funds for “activity that recognizes the sovereignty of the Russian Fede­ration over Crimea.” In his signing statement Mr. Trump defied Congress. He said he would not be bound by the provisions about the territorial integrity of Ukraine.

Mr. Trump’s attorney, Rudy Giuliani, met on behalf of Mr. Trump in Ukraine with Russian agent Andriy Derkach, and pro-Russia Ukrainians Oleksandr Dubinsky and Andriy Telezhenko.

I fled Ukraine with my family as a child. I returned many times with my children, including to support the Orange Revolution. Our work for Ukraine is unfinished.
Mr. Trump supports Mr. Putin’s noxious position. Ukraine and Republicans will be better off when they need not overcome Mr. Trump’s adopted lies about Ukraine.

Maria Wozniuk Connolly
Falmouth, Mass.