October 9, 2020

To help Ukraine, re-elect Trump


Dear Editor:

Our family left Ukraine just before the end of World War II, , when I was 8. We left Ukraine because my father was forced to work for the Germans; thus, the communists considered my father a traitor subject to execution along with the rest of the family.

The end of war found us in Aschaffen­burg, Germany. My father worked for a farmer and once had to jump out of a second-story window to escape the commies who were scouring the countryside for people like us. We had to hide to escape forced repatriation to Ukraine and certain execution.

In the DP camp, life was memorable. We heard that in other camps there were suicides when the Russians came to enforce repatriation. Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, the Allied commander, stopped all that.

Today, the far left in the Democratic Party has shown itself to be communist and atheist. And it is noteworthy that it was Donald Trump, not Barack Obama, who made it possible for Ukraine to have lethal defensive weapons, such as anti-tank missiles.

So, if you want to help Ukraine, stand with Ukraine and support Mr. Trump.

George Kap
Akron, Ohio