October 21, 2016

Trump’s policies dangerous to Ukraine


Dear Editor:

In his attack piece on Hillary Clinton (letters, September 18), Volodymyr Kurylo has displayed startling ignorance not only of U.S. export control laws but also of the danger Donald Trump’s election would pose to Ukraine and the U.S.

First, export of sensitive technology from the U.S. requires an export license and U.S. government review. Contrary to what Mr. Kurylo believes, such acquisitions most likely can take place via espionage not foundation activities.

Second, surely Mr. Kurylo must have read the papers and is aware of Mr. Trump’s pro-Putin stance. Is there any doubt that Mr. Trump’s policies could end Ukraine’s independence and lead to attacks on NATO countries?

It is absurd to reminisce about 1953 and ignore the threats of 2016.
