October 30, 2020

Two Ukrainian patriots with different views


Dear Editor:

I was fascinated to read the opinions of Askold Lozynskyj and Jaroslaw Martyniuk (October 18). I know them well and their unquestioned Ukrainian patriotism. Yet their American views were radically different.

Mr. Lozynskyj’s approach appeared melodramatically theatrical, implying that Donald Trump’s comment “I like Putin and Putin likes me” stood in solidarity with dictator Vladimir Putin. Shouldn’t prosecutors show evidence of action, not just words or hubris? And, calling Trump supporters traitors? I was offended.

Mr. Martyniuk’s approach was thoughtful. He used an accidental encounter with two Polish Americans who confessed their dislike of Mr. Trump’s personality, but openly acknowledged why they will vote for him. This couple gave solid evidence of definitive actions the Trump administration took in defending Poland. The more revealing insight from Mr. Martyniuk’s piece was the insidious political correctness this couple faced at their workplace in America. It reminded them of life in formerly Communist Poland.

Mr. Lozynskyj is fortunate that he enjoyed a good life in America. Among many troubling things he may need to be reminded of is how our first amendment rights are being infringed upon. Many are being censored by progressive forces invading all areas of American life, including the main-stream media, tech giants like Google and Twitter, scientific and medical associations, academia and corporations like Amazon. If Joe Biden wins, be prepared for a “re-imagined” society, including the erosion of civil liberties and first amendment rights led by ultra-progressive and anti-Catholic Vice-President Kamala Harris, perhaps soon to be president.

Ulana Campbell
Bloomfield, N.J.