July 15, 2016

U.S. announces nearly $23 million in additional humanitarian assistance


The fact sheet below was provided by the U.S. Department of State.

Today [July 7], Secretary of State John Kerry announced in Kyiv that the United States is providing nearly $23 million in additional U.S. humanitarian assistance to help thousands of vulnerable people affected by the ongoing conflict in eastern Ukraine. This announcement brings the total of U.S. humanitarian assistance since the start of the crisis to more than $135 million.

The funding announced today will support the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and other international humanitarian organizations as they provide for the basic survival needs of thousands of vulnerable people. This contribution is available to help supply food, clothing, bedding, access to medical care and supplies, shelter materials, repair of key infrastructure and more.

In addition, U.S. assistance will help address humanitarian needs in parts of eastern Ukraine affected by the ongoing conflict. This assistance will be implemented through a number of international non-governmental organizations, and will support shelter, water and sanitation, and livelihoods programs, in areas of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts on both sides of the line of control.

According to the most recent United Nations estimates, there are more than 3.1 million vulnerable people in Ukraine, including many children, disabled and elderly individuals. The United States remains committed to helping address the serious humanitarian concerns in Ukraine and continues to urge the international community to contribute more resources to humanitarian appeals.