March 12, 2015

U.S.: More tanks cross into Ukraine


WASHINGTON – The United States says Russia has transferred more weapons to separatists in recent days despite an ongoing ceasefire. “We can confirm new transfers of Russian tanks, armored vehicles, heavy artillery and rocket equipment over the border to the separatists in eastern Ukraine,” said Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs Victoria Nuland at a U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing on March 10. She said that the transfers were “not compatible with either the spirit or letter” of the ceasefire reached in Minsk. Ms. Nuland said that Crimea, which Moscow illegally annexed a year ago, and parts of eastern Ukraine are living under a “reign of terror,” adding, “Today Crimea remains under illegal occupation and human rights abuses are the norm, not the exception, for many at risk groups there.” Ms. Nuland said the United States had begun initial conversations with European allies on more sanctions should Russia fail to implement the ceasefire or take more land. She said there was “incomplete compliance” by Russia on the Minsk agreements. Brian McKeon, deputy undersecretary of defense, said it was “correct” that the United States has not been successful in getting Russia back into compliance with the Minsk agreements. He said that the United States was still “trying” to get Russia to comply with the ceasefire. Ukraine’s army said on March 10 that Russian-backed separatists violated the ceasefire by shelling government positions in eastern Ukraine, including attacks near the city Mariupol. (RFE/RL, with reporting by the Associated Press)