April 29, 2016

U.S. statement on the anniversary of the Chornobyl disaster of 1986


Following is the text of a press statement issued on April 25 by John Kirby, assistant secretary of state and State Department spokesperson, Bureau of Public Affairs. 

On this 30th anniversary of the Chornobyl disaster, our thoughts remain with the victims, from the emergency workers who gave their lives to prevent an even greater disaster, to those living in the area affected by the fallout.

The United States marks this anniversary with a pledge of an additional $10 million dollars to help ensure the safety of future generations who live in the affected area. This pledge comes on top of the more than $400 million the U.S. has already committed to the international effort to help Ukraine restore the site of the accident to an environmentally safe and secure condition.

As we reflect on the tragedy of Chornobyl, so too must we recognize the progress that has been made to complete a new confinement structure for the destroyed reactor, which should soon be moved into place. The structure is designed to protect the surrounding environment for the next 100 years and allow for the safe clean-up of Chornobyl. We look forward to continuing our work with the Ukrainian government and our international partners to improve the lives of Ukrainians there and across Ukraine.