July 31, 2015

U.S., Ukraine on the veto


“…By vetoing this resolution, Russia has tried to deny justice to the 298 victims on that plane, and deny their families a chance to hold accountable those responsible. Russia has callously disregarded the public outcry in the grieving nations, the appeals of the families affected.

“It is tragic that Russia has used the privilege entrusted to it in order to advance international peace and security in order to frustrate international peace and security…”

– U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Samantha Power speaking on July 29, after Russia’s veto of the resolution regarding MH17.

“…our duty before those who died and the families of the victims is to bring to justice those who have committed this barbarian act. …We want the perpetrators revealed and tried by a public international court. There can be no reason to oppose this – unless you a perpetrator yourself. …

“But our hope for justice is not lost. The Russian Federation, as the U.N. people would say, just killed the resolution. But this abuse of the veto power will not kill the hope of those who suffered. It will only make us stronger and more determined to elaborate and implement [an] effective and credible prosecution model to deliver justice.”

– Ukraine’s Foreign Affairs Minister Pavlo Klimkin, addressing the Security Council on July 29.