September 17, 2021

UAB Steering Committee releases statement following Ukrainian President Zelenskyy’s White House meeting


The following statement was released by Ukrainian Americans for Biden (UAB) on September 14 following the working visit of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to the United States.


The meeting between Ukrainian Presi­dent Volodymyr Zelenskyy and U.S. President Joe Biden at the White House, as well as President Zelenskyy’s meetings with key Cabinet officials and Congress­ional leaders in Washington was a solid success with tangible results. The most important outcome: U.S.-Ukraine relations are back on solid ground. The agreements signed and decisions made during the working visit advance U.S.-Ukraine relations. Ukrainian Americans for Biden (UAB) welcomes the return to normalcy and stability in a relationship both exploited and neglected by the previous administration. We note that President Zelenskyy is only the second European leader to visit the White House since President Biden took office in January 2021.

The meetings sent a clear message to the world that the U.S. is committed to the success of Ukraine and the U.S. will continue to support Ukraine in its struggle against Russia’s ongoing and increased aggression. President Biden made clear that an independent, secure and democratic Ukraine is a foreign policy priority for the United States.

UAB is encouraged by the Joint Statement issued by the United States and Ukraine. The document highlights bilateral engagement and offers a robust roadmap for the revitalization and expansion of the two countries’ strategic partnership. The Joint Statement includes substantial commitments by the United States to address Ukraine’s needs in the defense, security and energy sectors, offers support for democracy building and provides for economic, as well as humanitarian assistance. The most powerful assertion in the Joint Statement is the acknowledgement that “Ukraine’s struggle is central to the global struggle between democracy and autocracy.”

UAB believes additional steps are necessary to bolster the U.S.-Ukraine relationship. The revitalization of the Strategic Partnership Commission and upgrade to the Charter of Strategic Partnership are crucial in this regard. Ukraine must fully commit to strengthening rule-of-law and eliminating corruption, recognizing the role corruption plays as another tool of Russian aggression threatening Ukraine’s stability. The United States and Ukraine must extend maximum efforts, including encouraging international partners, to implement commitments that strengthen Ukraine’s security and defense, such as fully addressing the impact of Nord Stream 2 completion, and intensifying support for Ukraine’s Euro-Atlantic aspirations.

UAB agrees with President Zelenskyy’s assertion that Ukraine is the bulwark protecting the West from Russian aggression. President Biden stated on several occasions that the success of Ukraine “is in the vital national interest” of both the United States and Europe.

The Biden-Zelenskyy meeting at the White House was a necessary step to solidify U.S.-Ukraine relations. We encourage President Biden to travel to Ukraine within the next 15 months. A frequent visitor to Ukraine in the past, a trip as president would send a powerful signal of American support for Ukraine.


Signed by the Steering Committee of Ukrainian Americans for Biden:

Chrystia Balko Slywotzky, Orest Deycha­kiwsky, Marta Farion, Andrew Fedynsky, Irene Jarosewich, Khristina Lew, Ulana Mazur­kevich, Adrian Slywotzky, Mark N.V. Temnyc­ky, Halyna Traversa and Tania Vitvitsky