November 1, 2019

UABA statement on the matter of Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman


The following statement was released by the Ukrainian American Bar Association on October 30. It was signed by the officers and governors of the Ukrainian American Bar Association.


Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman has testified before Congress as to his knowledge relating to the Administration’s recent communications with Ukraine. Lt. Col. Vindman is a career Army officer, an expert on Ukrainian affairs, and is the recipient of the Purple Heart for his patriotic bravery in Iraq. He is also of Ukrainian descent.

News media personalities and certain politicians have recklessly attacked the credibility of Lt. Col. Vindman, claiming that his ethnicity as an American of Ukrainian descent made his testimony suspect, and even suggested that it approached espionage or treason. Evidently, these critics have selective amnesia of American history. Our country’s history is replete with foreign-born individuals who have played major roles in the political and democratic development of our country – from Alexander Hamilton who was born in St. Kitts – Nevis to Henry Kissinger who was born in Germany. Furthermore, they turn a blind eye to the tens of thousands of Ukrainian Americans who have served honorably in defense of our country and are buried in numerous military cemeteries from the East Coast to the West Coast.

Most egregiously, these critics callously insult and maliciously degrade the hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian Americans who came to this country trusting that they would be treated as equals according to the principles of America’s stated belief in equality and the rule of law.

We strongly applaud those politicians on both sides of the aisle who have condemned such reprehensible criticisms of Lt. Col. Vindman. We call upon all Americans who believe in America’s stated ideals of fairness and equality to vehemently condemn those critics that attack individuals based upon their ethnic identity or ancestry. America must resist going down the slippery slope of ethnic, racial and religious degradation, defamation and distrust. Such misguided actions will only undermine America’s democracy and strengthen our enemies to our detriment.