March 4, 2016

UCC remembers heroes of the Heavenly Brigade


The Ukrainian Canadian Congress issued the following statement on the occasion of the Day of Commemoration of the Heroes of the Heavenly Brigade, which is marked in Ukraine on February 20.

Today, the Ukrainian Canadian community joins our brothers and sisters in Ukraine and around the world in commemorating the memory and heroism of all those who paid the ultimate price in the battle for a free and democratic Ukraine. From November 2013 to February 2014 the citizens of Ukraine took to the streets to protest against the corrupt, authoritarian regime of former President Viktor Yanukovych. On the Maidan in Kyiv (Independence Square), and on city squares throughout the country, the people of Ukraine claimed their unalienable right to liberty and justice. Their demand of their government was simple – to be treated with Dignity. The brave demonstrators were met with state-ordered violence and in February 2014, the regime opened fire against its own people.

Over 100 people – the Heavenly Hundred [Heavenly Brigade] – gave their lives so that the people of Ukraine can live in dignity with a government that respects their human rights. Their sacrifice will never be forgotten. The victory of Ukraine’s Revolution of Dignity will forever stand as an example to us all of courage, determination and unity.

On February 20, 2014, the Russian Federation violated Ukraine’s sovereignty, international laws and global security by invading its neighbor with unmarked masked “green men” with high-tech weaponry. The world again witnessed the treachery and deceit of the Kremlin, when Russian President [Vladimir] Putin stated that there were no Russian soldiers in Ukraine. Yet several months later, Russia’s president decorated these “green men,” who turned out to be soldiers of the Russian Federation, with medals for their service to Russia during the war in Ukraine.

Two years after the Revolution of Dignity, the people of Ukraine are bravely defending themselves against a ruthless war of aggression brought on them by the Russian Federation. Thousands of Ukrainians have paid with their lives, defending their country from an external aggressor. Today, as we honor the Heavenly Hundred, we also pay tribute to the thousands of Ukrainians who have fallen or been wounded as a result of Russia’s invasion and the tens of thousands that are today risking their lives fighting to protect Ukraine’s independence and sovereignty.

We pledge not to rest until the day that, God willing, peace returns to Ukraine. We call on all Canadians and the international community to stand up to Russia’s war against Ukraine, by providing Ukraine with the security, financial, humanitarian and political support it needs to protect themselves and Europe from Russia’s renewed cold war.