January 25, 2019

UCC sends greetings on Day of Unity of Ukraine


Following is the text of a greeting from the Ukrainian Canadian Congress issued on January 22, celebrated as the Day of Unity in Ukraine.

The Ukrainian Canadian Congress (UCC) greets all Ukrainians on the 100th anniversary of the unification of Ukrainian lands into a single, independent state.

On January 22, 1919, the Unification Act was proclaimed, joining the Ukrainian People’s Republic and the Western Ukrainian People’s Republic into a single, independent state. This anniversary is celebrated as the Day of Unity of Ukraine. [Editor’s note: The Ukrainian People’s Republic and the Western Ukrainian People’s Republic are also known as the Ukrainian National Republic and the Western Ukrainian National Republic.]

On the 100th anniversary of the Unification Act we are reminded how difficult and arduous the road to independence and statehood was for the Ukrainian people, and the terrible price they have paid to secure their inalienable right to live in freedom. On the Day of Unity of Ukraine, we remember the brave patriots who, throughout the centuries, paid with their lives so that Ukraine may be free. 

Today, the Ukrainian people must once again take up arms to defend their freedom. For five years, Russia has waged war against Ukraine, seeking once again, as it has so many times throughout history, to subjugate Ukraine to Moscow’s tyranny. The Ukrainian people have responded to Russia’s aggression with valor, determination and unity of purpose. With God’s help, the Ukrainian people will be victorious. 

Today, as we mark the anniversary of the Day of Unity, we pause to honor those who today bravely defend Ukraine’s liberty. United under the blue and yellow banner, they are Ukraine’s finest sons and daughters. They will prevail in their righteous struggle, for justice always defeats evil.  

Glory to Ukraine! Glory to her heroes!