January 5, 2019

UCCA calls for volunteers to serve as international election observers


NEW YORK – The Ukrainian Congress Committee of America (UCCA), the largest representation of Americans of Ukrainian descent, is once again taking an active part in the upcoming presidential elections and is currently registering applicants for its Election Observation Mission (EOM), which will travel to Ukraine to monitor the March 31, 2019, vote.

The goal of the UCCA EOM is to support a more open and transparent electoral process during the presidential elections, specifically to monitor adherence to the law, prevent violations and provocations at polling stations during voting, and provide an assessment of the electoral process. The UCCA does not support any one candidate or political party and supports Ukraine’s commitment to standards of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) for a free and fair election that accurately reflects the will of the electorate. 

The UCCA-EOM comprises volunteers, with registered International Election Observers responsible for all costs related to their participation in the UCCA-EOM, including, but not limited to, travel and lodging. 

With long-term experience in observing elections, the UCCA EOM will conduct mandatory training briefings for its observers on how best to serve as international election monitors, including a special seminar addressing possible hostile environments. Official Central Election Commission accreditation will be provided and coordinated through the UCCA, which will also organize in-country travel and lodging, translators and guides, if necessary, as well as comprehensive informational packets. 

The UCCA mission will monitor the elections throughout Ukraine with particular focus on eastern and southern oblasts, and in diplomatic missions in the United States. 

For further information about the UCCA’s International Election Observer program, or to register, readers may visit the UCCA’s website at www.ucca.org or contact the National Office by e-mail at [email protected]. 

The UCCA, the national umbrella organization in the United States representing the interests of the over 1 million Americans of Ukrainian descent since 1940, has been conducting comprehensive civic education programs in Ukraine to teach citizens the benefits of democracy and free market economic reforms since 1991. 

A large part of the UCCA’s civic education work has included hosting delegations of international election observers to monitor Ukraine’s presidential and parliamentary elections. UCCA delegations have monitored every election held in Ukraine since 1991.