March 2, 2018

UCCA schedules Ukrainian Days for March 6-7


NEW YORK – With Moscow’s illegal occupation of Crimea in 2014 and its military invasion of the Donbas, and the rapid rise of Russia as a regional aggressor, the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America (UCCA) is stepping up its efforts to address the continuing national security threats Russia poses not just to Ukraine but to the transnational security framework that emerged following World War II.

Thus, as Russia’s aggression against Ukraine continues, the UCCA invites the Ukrainian American community, during the first week of March, to participate in two critically important events in Washington.

To continue the advocacy campaign called #SupportUkraine!, the Ukrainian National Information Service (UNIS) is organizing Ukrainian Days in the U.S. capital on Tuesday and Wednesday, March 6-7. The intent of Ukrainian Days is to promote the concerns of the Ukrainian American community, as well as to enhance its relations with elected representatives in the U.S. Congress.
The Ukrainian Days agenda will consist of several aspects. First, on Tuesday, March 6, UNIS will organize a roundtable at the Embassy of Ukraine. Ambassador Valeriy Chaly, Ukraine’s envoy to the United States, and other Ukraine experts will brief participants about the current U.S.-Ukraine relationship. A subsequent discussion will cover increased U.S. foreign assistance to Ukraine; energy security for Ukraine; NATO enlargement; the fight against corruption; and, weaponry for Ukraine.

An evening reception is also being planned on Capitol Hill. Ukrainian Days participants will have a chance to acquaint themselves with others in Washington who follow U.S.-Ukraine relations. Members of the Congressional Ukrainian Caucus (CUC) and Senate Ukraine Caucus (SUC) will be invited to the reception.

Throughout the two-day event, participants of Ukrainian Days will meet with their respective members of the House of Representatives and Senate in order to communicate to them issues that concern the Ukrainian American community and establish closer communications with their offices. UNIS will supply briefing papers on key topics to all the participants of Ukrainian Days.

For more information or to register for Ukrainian Days, readers may contact Michael Sawkiw, director of UNIS, by phone at 202-547-0018 or by e-mail at [email protected].