August 10, 2018

UCCA seeks to increase voter registration


NEW YORK – The Ukrainian Congress Committee of America (UCCA), the largest representation of Americans of Ukrainian descent, looks to increase voter participation by the Ukrainian American community in this year’s mid-term elections. 

UCCA President Andriy Futey stated, “We strongly encourage our Ukrainian American community to exercise their right to vote and make their voice heard. Do not sit back and watch from the sidelines. Make your voice heard by making sure you and your fellow supporters of Ukraine register to vote this November.”

Voter turnout during midterm elections is historically low – in 2014’s midterm election, voter turnout was the lowest since World War II. After three consecutive years of increased congressional funding for aid to Ukraine, many House and Senate chairmanships are due to change in 2019 following a historic number of congressional retirements this year. Only by maximizing the Ukrainian American presence at the polls will incoming representatives understand the importance of continued aid to Ukraine, the UCCA noted.

UCCA members and all supporters of Ukraine who are eligible to vote in November are encouraged to visit the U.S. Election Assistance Commission at to find out more about registering to vote.