April 8, 2021

Ukraine-2050 welcomes joint statement by members of European Parliament, calls for international action


The following statement was released by Ukraine-2050 on April 2.

The non-governmental organization (NGO) Ukraine-2050 welcomes the following “Joint Statement by Members of the European Parliament on increased tensions over Russia’s military build-up in eastern Ukraine” issued on April 2:

“It is with great concern that we witness the ongoing build-up of Russian military forces and provocations in eastern Ukraine and close to Ukraine. We deeply deplore the continuous loss of life and other damage inflicted on Ukraine.

“We call on full adherence to the text and spirit of the Minsk agreements and the agreed ceasefire. We urge Russia to take active steps to reduce tensions by ending its military build-up in and close to Ukraine, ceasing its military provocations and intimidation against Ukraine.

“We also appeal to the international community and leaders of democratic countries to express their concern and strong disapproval to the actions of the Russian authorities.
“We will continue to closely monitor the situation in eastern Ukraine in order to deescalate tensions and eventually reinstate the territorial integrity of Ukraine.”
Russia is currently escalating its military aggression in eastern Ukraine, which just last week claimed the lives of four more Ukrainian soldiers.

The international community and leaders of democratic countries must react now by additionally supporting Ukraine’s capacity to defend its territorial integrity and by imposing stronger sanctions against Russia to ensure that it fully complies with its obligations under the ceasefire agreements, including the Minsk agreements, that it has signed.

Ukraine-2050 is very pleased that three members of its Honorary Board are among the members of the European Parliament who signed this statement, namely Petras Auštrevi­čius, Michael Gahler and Andrius Kubilius.

Ukraine-2050 is a non-profit organization established to help implement, within one generation – by 2050 – strategies for the sustainable development of Ukraine as a fully independent, territorially integral, democratic, reformed and economically competitive European state.