July 27, 2018

Ukraine Caucus co-chairs condemn Trump’s Helsinki meeting with Putin


WASHINGTON – Congressional Ukraine Caucus chairs, Reps. Marcy Kaptur (D-Ohio), Sandy Levin (D-Mich.), and Brian Fitzpatrick (R-Pa.) issued a joint statement after President Donald Trump’s summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki.

The full text of their statement follows.

As co-chairs of the bipartisan Ukraine Caucus, we are deeply troubled by the president’s subservient behavior towards President Putin. The United States must never tolerate actions that seek to weaken democratic institutions in the U.S. and our allies abroad.

Russia’s illegal invasion of Ukraine and its assault on peace and security in Europe has led to the death of thousands of Ukrainians and the displacement of millions.

We are also concerned that the president did not condemn the Russian government’s assault on Ukraine’s sovereignty, including cyberattacks on its institutions, aggression in the Donbas region and the illegal occupation of Crimea. 

We urge President Trump to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with our NATO allies in the face of continued threats from Russia and its aggression in Ukraine.