January 22, 2021

Ukraine needs U.S. supply of COVID-19 vaccine


Dear Editor:

All of us have been through some anxious times in the last year or so. COVID-19 has been a major cause of our worries. For those of us fortunate enough to live in the United States, that concern will diminish as the various vaccines become available and their distribution becomes more efficient. This is not the case for our families and friends in Ukraine. You may be aware that Ukraine had been negotiating with Pfizer and other Western suppliers when an executive order by the now former administration stopped all vaccine exports. Now that U.S. supplies are sufficient for domestic needs, all friends of Ukraine can unite in advocating for a reversal of this ban. Please let your Congressional representatives (House and Senate), President Biden, and the Department of State know that it’s time to provide close allies such as Ukraine this essential help.

Andriy Ripecky, MD