August 9, 2019

Ukraine’s Foreign Affairs Ministry on Russia’s designation of the UWC as “undesirable”


The following statement was released by Ukraine’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs on July 12 in reaction to the July 11 announcement by Russia’s Prosecutor General declaring the Ukrainian World Congress an “undesirable” organization.


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine expresses its strong protest in connection with the decision of the Russian Prosecutor General’s Office to recognize the activity of the Ukrainian World Congress as “undesirable.” This decision once again demonstrated the immutability of Russia’s repressive policies aimed at eliminating public organizations of the Ukrainian minority on the territory of the Russian Federation.

On the other hand, one cannot but rejoice at the fact that the non-governmental organization of Ukrainians registered in Canada “poses a threat to the fundamentals of the constitutional order and security of the Russian Federation.” The Ukrainian World Congress will always be a threat to the Kremlin, although the purpose of this organization is to support Ukrainian identity, rehabilitate Ukrainian wounded servicemen and civilians, who have suffered from Russian armed aggression against Ukraine, implement educational programs and the Ukrainian education outside of Ukraine, and preserve the national memory of the victims of the Holodomor in Ukraine in 1932-1933.

Ukraine is ready to take all steps in response to this shameful decision of the aggressor state, and calls upon the international community to consider this decision of the General Prosecutor’s Office of Russia as another daring violation of fundamental human rights, including the rights of the Ukrainian minority in Russia, and to increase diplomatic pressure on the criminal Kremlin regime.