June 24, 2016

Ukraine’s immunization challenges discussed at Capitol Hill roundtable

WASHINGTON – On June 8, technical health experts joined members of the Ukrainian community on Capitol Hill for a roundtable discussion on immunization challenges in Ukraine. The event was moderated by Dr. Boris Lushniak, former acting U.S. surgeon general, and hosted by Rep. Marcy Kaptur (co-chair, Congressional Ukrainian Caucus) and the U.S.-Ukraine Foundation. Other participants included: Dr. Patrick O’Connor, team lead (accelerated disease control, vaccine preventable diseases and immunization) at the World Health Organization’s Regional Office for Europe; Dr. Kateryna Bulavinova, senior health and communication advisor at UNICEF Ukraine; Dr. Roxolana Horbowyj, representative of the World Federation of Ukrainian Medical Associations; Yaroslav Brisiuck, deputy chief of mission, Embassy of Ukraine in the U.S.; and (via video) Judyth Twigg, professor of political science at Virginia Commonwealth University and author of the March 2016 CSIS Global Health Policy Center report “Polio in Ukraine: Crisis, Challenge and Opportunity.” Roundtable participants discussed the reasons behind Ukraine’s very low rates of immunization coverage and will develop recommendations and strategies to urgently and substantially increase vaccination coverage in the country. – U.S.-Ukraine Foundation

Adrian Karmazyn

WASHINGTON – On June 8, technical health experts joined members of the Ukrainian community on Capitol Hill for a roundtable discussion on immunization challenges in Ukraine. The event was moderated by Dr. Boris Lushniak, former acting U.S. surgeon general, and hosted by Rep. Marcy Kaptur (co-chair, Congressional Ukrainian Caucus) and the U.S.-Ukraine Foundation. Other participants included: Dr. Patrick O’Connor, team lead (accelerated disease control, vaccine preventable diseases and immunization) at the World Health Organization’s Regional Office for Europe; Dr. Kateryna Bulavinova, senior health and communication advisor at UNICEF Ukraine; Dr. Roxolana Horbowyj, representative of the World Federation of Ukrainian Medical Associations; Yaroslav Brisiuck, deputy chief of mission, Embassy of Ukraine in the U.S.; and (via video) Judyth Twigg, professor of political science at Virginia Commonwealth University and author of the March 2016 CSIS Global Health Policy Center report “Polio in Ukraine: Crisis, Challenge and Opportunity.” Roundtable participants discussed the reasons behind Ukraine’s very low rates of immunization coverage and will develop recommendations and strategies to urgently and substantially increase vaccination coverage in the country.